People on Earth, also known as Earth itself --- "humankind" being the extension of "man" --- were created as a reflection of it, it being a reflection of the nature of its Creator.
Earth was the first Creation. It has housed many in its various spheres of universal references.
Like the universe, Earth's domains of water, land, and air compass a secrecy surpassing the capacity of the human intellect; there is much to know shall never be known.
As a result, the void of information regarding the spans of Earth and the universe gets filled by the inquiries of the people being consumed in itself.
From daily living to contemplations before mirrors and aside from them of the flesh, Earth rotates on evolutions of revolutions, some being only shifts in manner than overall alterations.
Its Root of Death
When evolutions are dimmed in magnitude to intercept inevitable growth, they begin to span still in occurrence through the internal channels of universes in a single fashion that gets projected as uniform for all things of nature.
Evolutions were meant to redress the world with every new day by expressions of color both old and new. Stifled progression often replaced color with a simple scale of tones of black that remained as such despite moderations.
Although the Earth experiences seasonal decay, it remains alive through these minor shifts. On the other hand, major shifts in the eras of stifled progression brought in damages obvious in layered offenses.
People decompose themselves in their efforts to deter the Earth from its origin of order. Humans were made to be as the tree, and they were also led to remain in their orderly disassociations with their reflections over time.
Earth continues to flourish in its roots of shifting no matter the matter of character.